Polishing the game.

After the previous week, where we had to finish all the important features for the beta, most stuff that is left is polishing what we already have implemented. So I guess the artefact I am writing about this week is polishing because there is not really a lot to say about one specific thing. For […]

Power up selection.

This week we have been trying to implement the final features we want in the game before the beta. I’ve primarily worked on the power ups and the power up selection system. As I mentioned in the previous blog post, we want the player to be able to pick up magical scrolls on the first […]

Troubles with flamethrowers :S

Hello blog people! This week I have been working on a flamethrower spell/power-up for our game. It is one of 4 power-ups the player will get to choose at a point in the game to customize the witch to their style of gameplay. The other power-ups we have planned at this point are: Fire shield, […]


This week we worked a lot on polishing the things we already had implemented for our alpha presentation. That means I have not really worked a lot on a singular artefact but tweaked and improved upon things that we had done. During the playtest session that we had earlier during the week we got some […]

Movement and rotation

The game that my group picked to work on is Burn, Witch, Burn! In this specific game you are riding on a floating broomstick and as such the movement of the player character is supposed to feel floaty and have some kind of air friction and acceleration. I also wanted the direction the character is […]